Yay Ireland here you come. Hope the cold clears up soon.

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Words have a way

of tumbling out and running about

and blah blah blahing when we think no one's listening. Do we know

what we will say next?

Better not to think too much, because then we

would say nothing.

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Enjoyed this Peter, and I could listen to that Irish accent all day! :)

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Funny, I just flew back to the USA to get my bankcard. I have to do this every 3 years myself... Such is the life and times of being an expat..


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At least I'm not alone although I think y ticket will be cheaper than yours

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Absolutely! Bank fees are nothing compared to the price of an airline ticket just to get their damn card πŸ˜†.

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I'm so happy for you, Peter, that things are falling into place. I'm just glad I can help in some small way because I know you will be very successful in what you are trying to do for those children and your family. It's great to know that even when you're struggling, you have the heart to give back to those you cherish and love.

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